Committed to Helping Our Clients Succeed

Welcome to Simons Legal

Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

+61(0) 425 735 079

Personalised legal solutions and expert immigration services

Discover the power of legal advice

With over 40 years of experience, our principal lawyer Lesley Simons has successfully obtained hundreds of visas, ensuring the best possible outcome for her clients. Let us guide you through the complexities of immigration law with personalized attention and care to save your precious time and money.

Expert Immigration Services

Trust the expertise of our service for all your immigration needs, whether it's student, work visas, permanent residence, or citizenship. We are committed to providing outstanding legal services tailored to your individual situation.

Efficient & Reliable Services

Count on us to handle everything from visa applications to citizenship matters. Our meticulous approach and extensive knowledge ensure that every detail is taken care of, giving you peace of mind throughout the entire process.

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Our Practice Areas

Independent Skilled Visa (subclass 189)

This visa is for invited workers and New Zealand citizens with skills Australia need, to live and work permanently anywhere in Australia.

Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186)

For skilled workers who are nominated by an employer to live and work in Australia.

Skilled Nominated Visa (subclass 190)

This visa lets state nominated skilled workers live and work in Australia as permanent residents.

Temporary Skilled Shortage Visa (subclass 482)

This visa lets skilled people with a relevant occupation work in Australia for an employer who can't find an Australian to do the work.

Skilled Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 489)

For skilled workers who want to live and work in regional Australia.

Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) Visa (subclass 491)

A visa for skilled people nominated by a state or territory government to live and work in regional Australia

Student Visa (subclass 500)

Visit Australia to participate in a course of study.

Professional And Experienced Immigration Lawyer

Why Choose Our Firm

Successful Outcomes

Successfully obtained hundreds of visas for our clients, including student visa, permanent residence and citizenship.

Time Saved

We recognise the importance of assisting to select the right visas or courses of study from the first meeting.

Personal Service

You will receive professional attention from our principal lawyer Lesley Simons.

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